Managing membership in the JFKS Verein is very easy. This link will take you to the following login dialog.
If you have problems logging in then please read our login troubleshooting guide.

The email address is the one you used when you registered. This may have happened recently via the membership application or earlier via the predecessor system Tuurio. Every family has exactly one such email address, even if several people belong to this family. If you don’t have a password yet or have forgotten your password, you can use “Request new password” to receive a new password by email, which you can then use to log in here.
Once you have logged in you will see the following screen.

Here you have various options.
1. You can download your membership certificate.
2. You can set and save a new password.
3. You can also download all of your member data as a PDF.
4. If you want, you can also upload a picture of yourself or your family.
If you scroll down a bit, you will see tabs for the different types of member data.

5. Under “Contact details” you will find primarily your name and your email address. “Linked member profiles” exist when someone from your family works on the board and therefore has their own ID with additional access rights.
6. Under “Account details” you will find the data for your SEPA direct debit mandate. You cannot change this here, only with our separate form.
7, Under “My Events” you will find the emails that we have sent to you.
8. The “Partners” and “Children” tabs are used to enter the names of other members of your family. This is necessary, for example, if a child is to have a locker and the family names differ.
9. We transitioned messages/payment information from Tuurio. The fields allow you to specify who of you would like to receive emails from us.
There are also a few other functions at the top right under “My Data”.

10. You can view and download your invoices for your membership under “My Invoices”. You can also see there whether there are still any membership fees due.
11. And ultimately you can also – which we of course don’t hope for – end your membership by clicking on “submit cancellation”. Please note that membership fees paid will not be refunded, not even proportionally.
12. One more thing: the three lines next to “My details” bring up another menu where you will find Verein-specific functions, in particular a form that allows you to update and submit your SEPA direct debit mandate (in German or in English). Please see below.

If you have any questions, please write an email to treasurer(at)